In the end of 2001 the government of the Czech Republic approved the decree
No. 1320/2002, which implements a new Strategy of Food Safety Assurance
as a response to the development in European Union, furthermore it relate to Regulation
(EC) No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council. According
to this new Strategy was established a Co-ordination Group for Food Safety.
In February 2002 during the first meeting was accepted task No. 2 of the
protocol 1/2002: "Establishment of the scientific committees - the
draft for nomination of experts to the scientific committees".
According to these documents the 1st vice-minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
established three scientific committees attached to the scientific institutes
(Research Institute of Crop Production, Research Institute of Animal Production,
Veterinary Research Institute). The Scientific Committee on Phytosanitary
and Environment is one of them. Its 1st constitutive meeting took place
at the Research Institute of Crop Production on 1st August 2002. All members
of Committee were given the letters of appointments. A chairman and vice-chairman
were elected as well, and Statutes and Rules of Procedure were approved.